Why You Need a Vacation

Why You Need a Vacation | ProductiveandFree

Feeling a little stressed and overwhelmed lately? Perhaps a vacation would help you get recharged and feel refreshed. We always hear a lot of people say “I need a vacation” but never actually take a vacation. Vacations really do have a purpose and a reason that needs to be taken.

Some experts have suggested that married couples need to take a break once a month away from their kids to keep their marriage strong. Some have even suggested that couples take separate vacations from each other.

Taking a vacation from work is no different. If taking time off from kids is necessary, what more work. Although stressors from work and kids are incomparable, stress is stress, and time off to recharge is a must.

It is said that Finland is the happiest place to live and work. That’s because they are happy with the way things are. They don’t compare themselves with their neighbors. I remember watching on the news that children are doing so well in school even if they spend less time in school. They are also given a lot of play time and lots of time to socialize with other kids.

Denmark has been ranked as the happiest country to work. The Danish people prioritize family and doing activities with the family. Although they pay a lot of taxes, they pay almost nothing for hospital bills, students pay nothing for a university education, and get a grant for school expenses. The elderly receive a pension and elderly care. Childcare is also subsidized.

Aren’t all those very impressive. Vacations need to be taken. To relax, recharge, rejuvenate, to forget all your worries.

Here are my top 3 reason why vacations are very important.

#1 Better Health

It reduces stress, burnout, heart problems; lowers high blood pressure, improves mental health, gives you a better sense of well-being, promotes physical activity, boosts happiness… haven’t we heard it all?

It gives you a better sense of self. Even the idea of planning a vacation can give you relief and could lower your stress levels.

Plus, when you go on vacation, we tend to walk a lot and that has its own benefits. This also gets us away from the computer, sitting all day, emails, and phone calls. It really is just a great way to get away from it all.

#2 New Experiences

When you go on vacation, you tend to try new things. New foods, new experiences, even ones you never thought you would try. You meet new people and learn new things. You discover new cultures, music, art, and history. You get to see new landscapes, horizons, seashores, even the air is different. You just get to experience diverse things that you get to bring back home and talk about. Things you get to share with friends and loved ones. That makes you energized and ecstatic.

All these experiences you’ve just amassed for yourself add to your knowledge and creativity that could inspire you. It gives you fresh eyes and a new perspective in life.

#3 Geting Lost

Part of going on vacation is getting lost. Meaning, not knowing exactly where you are going and just going with the flow. Yes, you have a plan on what to do on the vacation but when you get to your destination, it really is just the big unknown.

It’s like ziplining in the forest, you know what is happening, what you are doing, but you don’t know what you will feel, how it will turn out, and what you will see throughout the experience or what is waiting for you on the other end. But you know it will be enjoyable and terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time.

Going on vacation is letting a part of yourself go. Having fun. Letting loose. Learning something new about yourself along the way. All that makes it a great adventure.


Vacations are good for your mental health, your physical health, your heart health, your emotional well-being, for yourself, your family, your kids. It’s just that all around thing that must be done for your own good. It’s in the lines of eat an apple a day… go see your doctor… so go on vacation. It’s a must.

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Why You Need A Vacation | ProductiveandFree

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