Reflection and Planning Exercise + Free Worksheet

Reflection and Planning Exercise | Productivandfree

Do you remember when New Year's resolutions started getting a bad rap?

I think it was around the same time people started thinking negatively about to-do lists, journaling, and goal-setting as well. 

Whenever or however it may have started, setting New Year's resolutions can still be extremely helpful as long as one recognizes what it is and what it is not —

It is a guide, a framework, and one of many strategies out there. It is not a perfect system nor is it an end-all and be-all answer to creating your best year ever.

And since it is essentially just a plan, it's still up to the person making the plan to take action and turn the resolutions into reality.

Also, this exercise & worksheet is not only meant for new year’s resolutions. Here are other ways where you can apply this worksheet on various goal setting purposes:

  1. Major projects wherein you reflect on the ways you’ve work on the projects, how you related with your client and team, and ways to improve in the future. Granted there would be some changes on the categories provided, but what’s given is a good start.

  2. A weekly or monthly reflections guide wherein you can reflect on the things you’ve done for the week or the month, follow what are written on the worksheet and also see on your future goals.

  3. Developing new habits wherein you can reflect on your progress and plan on further improvements on the habit you are working on.

That said, here is a simple reflection and planning exercise.  As you continue below, you can find out how to download our FREE 3-page Reflections and Planning Worksheet.

01. Ask, "What worked?"

One mistake many people make when making New Year's resolutions is failing to consider what accomplishments they have already achieved the previous year. 

Think of different areas in your life such as your self and well-being, relationships, business, hobbies, etc. and identify the specific milestones that helped define the previous year for you.

Did you complete a big project? Learn a new skill? Grow your business? Start a new business? Overcome a difficult obstacle? Start a new relationship? Take that vacation you wanted? Develop good habits? Spend more time doing things you love?

Once you know what worked so far, you could build off these in order to make the new year even better. 

Bonus: "What can I work with or carry over the new year?"


02. Ask, "What didn't work?"

Another mistake people make as they enter the new year is to automatically continue doing everything they did in the previous year. Not only will this make you unproductive but it'll also hinder your growth.

Do you have limiting beliefs? Bad habits? Negative mindset patterns? Unhealthy activities? Underperforming products, service packages, or employees? Unnecessary processes? Redundant processes? Time-wasting tools, apps, or routines?

Think of things you can let go of, learn from, or even stop altogether. 

Bonus: "What can I learn from and let go of?"


03. Ask, "What can I trade?"

People who set goals (whether at the beginning of the year or any other time) are usually concerned with what they stand to gain — more money, a better version of themselves, more opportunities, etc.; however, a crucial component of goal-setting is also recognizing what you're willing to give up. 

In terms of the previous examples, you might be able to earn more money if you give up some time for leisure or entertainment, you might be able to become a better version of yourself if you give up your limiting beliefs, you might be able to have a better lifestyle if you give up staying in your comfort zone, and so on.

Bonus: "What can I give up in order to gain/attain/accomplish _______________________?"

Putting it together

This reflection and planning exercise can help reflect on what you’ve done for the past year and assist you plan for the future. For this reason, I've created a FREE 3-page printable you can download.

Click below and get access to our VIP Resource Library to download the FREE worksheet

Printable Page 1

The first column of the first page highlights what happened in the past year or looking back on what happened — your greatest accomplishment, your greatest lesson, your most memorable moments, and most importantly, what you are grateful for.

Listing all these is essential during this transition period because it makes you reflect on what truly matters in your life.

For those of you who felt like the past year went by too fast, now is the perfect time to evaluate your priorities and take a look at areas in your life that are doing well and other aspects that may need improvement.  

The second column of the first page is dedicated for you to write down your future goals or goals for this year — a much easier task once you know where you're coming from and where you stand right now.

It’s divided into five categories: self and well-being, family and relationships, work or business, finances, and passions or hobbies but feel free to revise it based on your situation. Just remember to write them down as specific and measurable as possible.

Printable Page 2

Now that you've declared your goals for this year, the second page of the free printable is where you can list down the actions you’re willing to take in order to turn your goals into reality.

It’s helpful to write down your answers to these statements in order to be more committed to reach the goals you’ve set in page 1. This can also serve as a guideline in creating actual action plans for each goal with set deadlines and schedules. 

Again, these are just examples of statements that would help direct your actions throughout the year so feel free to tailor them to your specific needs.


Printable Page 3

The third and last page is where you can write what you want to do more of and less of. The beauty of this section is that it is extremely simple and you can still be purposeful using this "do more" and "do less" strategy without being too specific. 


Bonus Step

Now that you’ve taken the time to fill out this free 3-page printable, why not post it somewhere you pass by often such as on your fridge, mirror, whiteboard, planner, etc. This way, you can be reminded of the goals you've set and actions you’ve committed to doing all throughout the year. 

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Share in the comments below: What are your takeaways from the previous? What are you willing to trade? What are your goals for this year? For the future?